Boost 4.0 EIDS basic technologies discussed in IDSA Webinar Sequel

The International Data Space Association (IDSA) for the first time offers the interactive webinar sequel on the topic of IDS Reference Architecture Model 2.0. The IDS technologies and the European Industrial Data Space (EIDS), vision and mission of Boost 4.0 are closely intertwined with each other, the former establishes the references for Boost 4.0 architecture.
Leading experts such as Prof. Dr. Boris Otto (Fraunhofer ISST), Dr. Christoph Quix (Fraunhofer FIT), Lars Nagel (IDSA) and Gerd Brost (Fraunhofer AISEC) will take you on an informative excursion through the IDS.
Join the live-webinar where you will have the chance to ask questions, or watch it on our YouTube channel afterwards.