Mar 21, 22 and 23 – 2018
Bilbao – Spain
Discover more about Boost4.0 in Metromeet 2018
Metromeeet has announced a complete Conference program made of 23 speeches that will last 3 days and promises to offer not only high-level technological content, but also unique networking moments.
During the 21st, 22nd and 23rd of March 2018, the Metromeet organization will gather the main drivers towards intelligent manufacturing in the Bilbao Euskalduna Palace. Thanks to its 14th edition, Metromeet 2018 offers three days of fantastic networking with professionals of the field and the main representatives of companies with great international projection such as Capvidia, Innovalia, Whirpool, Novo Nordisk A / S, Missler Software, Carlsberg, Tekniker and Autodesk among others.
Metromeet will also bring together representatives from different International Universities and other public and private centers such as the PTB, the TUM, the University of Nottingham, the Legal Metrology Organization from the India Government, the University of Antwerp and the National Metrology Center.
This year’s program, will celebrate the last Conference day at an authentic Spanish winery where speakers and attendees will learn first-hand the secrets of the Spanish wine. This last Metromeet day will be focused on Metrology 4.0 and will feature 3 presentations about important European projects that pursue zero defects manufacture and a Big Data space for the industry. Metromeet will dedicate a full track to let the attendants know more about Boost 4.0 its goals, expectations and philosophy.
Metromeet has already opened a registration web space (http://metromeet.org/registration-form/) Don’t miss out this great opportunity to meet some of the most exciting presentations on Intelligent manufacturing.
Co-funded by the Horizon 2020
Framework Programme of the European Union
Under grant agreement No 825030
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