European Robotics Forum (ERF)

20-220March 2019Bucharest – RomaniaThe European Robotics Forum is the most influential meeting of the robotics community in Europe. Over 1000 European robotics top experts from industry and academia are expected to attend.Parterns: INSTITUT JOZEF STEFAN (JSI)...

World Mobile Congress

25-28 February 2019 Barcelona – Spain The world’s largest exhibition for the mobile industry, and incorporates a thought-leadership conference featuring prominent executives representing global mobile operators, device manufacturers, technology providers,...


19 February 2019 Thessaloniki – Greece Industry 4.0 event organised by the Municipality of Thessaloniki, with the support of the Greek-German Chamber Parterns: ENGINEERING – INGEGNERIA INFORMATICA (ENG) / ATLANTIS ENGINEERING (ATLAS) Know more Co-funded by...


12-14 February 2019 Ljubljana – Slovenia IFAM is the leading B2B fair for automation, mechatronics, sensor technologies, measuring technologies, computer vision, etc. in Slovenia and the CEE region. Parterns: INSTITUT JOZEF STEFAN (JSI) Know more Co-funded by...

SAS Forum Italy

28 April – 01 May, 2019. Milan, Italy Parterns: SAS Italy Reach: 2.000 Reference event for the analytics in Italy Co-funded by the Horizon 2020Framework Programme of the European UnionUnder grant agreement No 825030...