DLEARN-LLP Conference

October 01, 2019. Brussels, Belgium Parterns: ATLANTIS Reach: 100 Digital Training and Education. Co-funded by the Horizon 2020Framework Programme of the European UnionUnder grant agreement No 825030 Website managed by     @EuQu4lity ...

Maintenance Forum

June 05-08, 2019. Athens, Greece Parterns: ATLANTIS Reach: 200 Maintenance conference Co-funded by the Horizon 2020Framework Programme of the European UnionUnder grant agreement No 825030 Website managed by     @EuQu4lity ...

K 2019

October 16-23, 2019. Düsseldorf, Germany Parterns: FILL Reach: 230.000 Leading fair for Fill’s plastic and composite compentence center.Fill will have its own area for digitisation and will achieve a transfer of the results to the compsite sector. Co-funded by...


September 01, 2019. Hannover, Germany Parterns: FILL Reach: 130.000 Leading fair for Fill’s compentence center metal machining technology. Fill will have its own area for digitisation and will achiece a transfer of the results to the compsite sector. Co-funded...

CAISE 2019

June 03-07, 2019. Rome, Italy IoT, AI, blockchain, big data analytics, machine learning etc. Co-funded by the Horizon 2020Framework Programme of the European UnionUnder grant agreement No 825030 Website managed by     @EuQu4lity ...